Now that I am free from studying, exams and all this other stuff that had to be done, I finally finished Prototype 2. Generally the game was good, not as good as expected and definitely not as good as the first one.
This is a little late. I was a bit busy these days with playing CoD and SSFIV:AE2012.
So anyway, on to the Keynote:
generally it was a little bit less than what i expected, but it was nevertheless exciting and had a ton of new stuff.
First of all: the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display
dat combo at 0:25!!
dat corner pressure!
dat a**!
Copying another old review of mine from Google+.
This time I Bring you Steins;Gate:
Best time travel related story ever!
Overall the story had everything: fiction, comedy, drama, romance, even a tsundere XD
the plot was deep and i could not find any continuity errors (i tried hard, really) while they were time traveling.
Photo by Rubenerd (he has more good pics).
9th – 11th of June there is a Jazz and Blues festival happening in Darling Harbour Sydney. So yesterday we decided to go look around and listen to some music. We includes @Rubenerd, @Sebasu_tan, @hanezawakirika, @adasifs, @Keodara_, @alchmyest and me @jamiejakov.
At first we met up at the UTS tower at 3:30 and just went towards Darling Harbour, where we listened to Kira Puru & the Bruise fro about 30 mins. Then we got Ruben a hot cup of coffee to keep him warm and went under the big tent to watch the last performance of the day.
As some of you may know, my beloved Kirino case broke 🙁
So I’ve been wanting to gate a replacement for some time now. today I finally found it.
This beautiful toxic-orange case looks just awesome. And it also goes well with my shoes!
Hey I just met you and this is crazy, my case is orange so call me maybe?

My goal: make the worlds largest rubber band ball! (not really, but i want to see how big i can make it).
Reason: reason? i ain’t got no reason! just for the sake of it XD
Idea: Blu from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends
So, what i got so far is a ball and a bag of rubber bands, lets see how long it will take me to put them all on, and how big the ball will become.
Its this time of year when the nice people over at the E3 gaming convention show us all the new stuff they have in store for us this/next year.
Some of these titles are sequels to previous games and of course there are some new and original games as well
First up is Assassins Creed III:
Cinematic Trailer
So when i finished watching Durarara! this February, I wrote up a nice little review of the series on Google+. Well now that I have a blog, I decided to copy it here so that everyone can see.
3 awesome things about durarara:
– the infinite number of awesome characters and their stories
– the constant references to other well known anime, which in order to find you need to be very anime knowledgable
– the humor