
Welcome iSagiri

December 21st, 2018

iPad is a very interesting device category. It mostly fits between a laptop and a phone in terms of portability and comfort. However it gets closer to the phone in terms of productivity, but closer to the laptop in terms of screen realestate. So what gives? Why even own an iPad?

An iPad has its benefits and I believe that in a few iterations of iOS, the iPad will be able to do everything a laptop can do, and keep the benefits it has right now. That’s why I got myself a brand new iPad Pro 11″. Welcome to my iFamily – iSagiri.

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Welcome iPhosphophyllite

October 23rd, 2018

I’ve been holding off on getting a new phone for quite some time now, but the wait is finally over. Let’s welcome the latest edition to my tech family: a brand new iPhone XS Max – iPhosphophyllite.

Why did I wait so long? And why did I finally decide to upgrade?

My previous phone was an iPhone 6S Plus, and it was an absolute powerhouse for its time. However over the past 3 years apple has greatly improved the iphones screens, their processors, their speakers, but most importantly – their cameras.

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Spotlight Search

June 19th, 2016

If you use keyboard shortcuts, macros and various other workflow automation techniques, then you might consider yourself a power user. However if you have never used Spotlight on macOS and iOS, you are missing out on a great productivity improvement. So what is Spotlight? It is the universal search implementation on Apple platforms. It can search your folders, files, information from within apps like contacts, mail, and even suggestions from the web. But I guess the most used function of Spotlight is to quickly open the application you need. So instead of looking of looking for that one app in Launchpad on your Mac, or numerous screens of your iPhone/iPad, you can just simply launch Spotlight search (cmd+space on macOS, swipe down on home screen on iOS) and start typing the name of the item you are looking for. This can greatly speed up your workflow and just help you find what you are looking for.

Now that you know the basics of Spotlight, here are some advanced tips and tricks (on macOS), which I learned from this article:

  • Cmd + D:  View search term in the built in dictionary app (opens the app).
  • Cmd + L:   Quickly view the term in the dictionary (via Spotlight UI).
  • Cmd + B:   Do a web search in your default browser (opens browser window).
  • Cmd + R:   Open the highlighted results folder in the app which it is in and reveal it in Preview.
  • Cmd + O:   Open the highlighted result in the default program for that filetype.
  • Cmd + I:     Show information about the highlighted result.
  • Hold Cmd:  Show the full path to the highlighted result at the bottom of the spotlight window.

Hope these shortcuts help you improve your workflow and make your life just a bit more productive.


April 9th, 2015

Today Apple released updates for both their desktop and mobile operating systems. Please welcome OSX 10.10.3 and iOS 8.3. These new updates bring a lot of bug fixes, new emoji and most importantly the new Photos app for OS X and iCloud Photo Library. Now all my photos will be in synch, but I will still keep Lightroom for all the DSLR pics that I snap.

To celebrate, here is a photo of the sunset over Rhodes from a day ago. I’m of to bed, as tomorrow the iWatch is up for display at the Apple stores around Sydney and I must take a look at this new piece of technology!

Red Sunset at Rhodes

This is an unedited photo captured on my iPhone 5s at 6pm on the 8th of April.

Ghost Trick by Capcom

April 1st, 2014


Capcom makes a lot of good games like Street Fighter and Super Street Fighter and Ultra Street Fighter, and …. well you get the gist. Nah, of course they have more good games and one of them is this puzzle detective game called Ghost Trick. It was recommended to me by my puzzle loving girlfriend (at the time) Amy a while back and now I have finally finished it! It was a very interesting story with a nice plot twist at the end. I wouldn’t call it the best puzzle game, but it is definitely worth the time. I will write up a mini review without spoilers, because what fun is it playing a puzzle game when the story has been spoiled for you.

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Commonwealth Bank new iPhone App

August 9th, 2013

Netbank app

Last week I was contacted by a marketing research organization on behalf of Commonwealth Bank in regards to their iOS mobile banking app. Basically its a focus group where they showed up slides of the new software and asked us questions about how we feel when seeing these new features. It sounded like an interesting thing to do on a Thursday evening, especially cause they gave me $80!

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June 11th, 2013

Apple iOS7

Tonight at 3am Sydney time, Apple had their World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) where they announced many new changes to both their software and their devices. You can read the full coverage on But I will just quickly mention what I love about it.

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Duo Gamer iOS wireless controller

October 2nd, 2012

OMG now you people are gonna use their iPhones, iPod touches and iPad as portable consoles… And then complain why the graphics are worse than on a PS3…. Oh god

Apple WWDC 2012

June 14th, 2012

This is a little late. I was a bit busy these days with playing CoD and SSFIV:AE2012.

So anyway, on to the Keynote:

generally it was a little bit less than what i expected, but it was nevertheless exciting and had a ton of new stuff.

First of all: the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display


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Japanese App update (first blog post)

May 30th, 2012


When I woke up today I was in for a surprise.

My favorite japanese dictionary application for the iPhone received a major long overdue update!

I have been using this app for over 2 years now and I love it.
Very convinient Japanese dictionary.
It sure beats buying a 300$ electronic Japanese dictionarry which would take a month to learn how to use….
And it has flash cards too!!

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