2014 Retrospective

Sakurajima Shiroyama

Wow, that went by rather quick. I remember how I was writing up the 2013 retrospective, as if it was yesterday. Why did the year fly by so quickly? Well I guess it is due to me being in Kagoshima, Japan! A new region to explore, a whole new bunch of Pokemon to catch! … wait a minute, wrong world. Anyway, lets see what the most memorable events were this year.

Lets make it a list, shall we:

  • In January I found out that I passed JLPT N2. That was a great achievement, which I am super proud of. Thought I highly doubt that I will ever take N1, even thought I feel my Japanese has greatly improved while living here for 1 year.
  • I turned 21 this year, and I got to celebrate my birthday by winning a cosplay competition and watching the 3rd Madoka Movie. Of course there was a proper celebration as well, with much food and really good presents.
  • Right before leaving for Japan I visited Vietnam and Cambodia with my lovely parents.
  • And also we got to see Kyary Pamyu Pamyu live in Sydney. One of the best things to happen this year for sure!
  • Well and then in April I left urbanest in Sydney, and left for Japan. After arriving in Kagoshima I was swarmed with paperwork and setting up my new home for the year.
  • Settled down, and ready for the year, I began studying in Kagoshima university and entered a laboratory which researches human vision.
  • Oh boy did I travel, of course not by myself, but with my girlfriend (at the time) – Amy. We went all over the place: Kansai, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Oita, and around Kagoshima. All these travels and experiences can be found here.
  • We also saw Angela Aki preform live in Kagoshima. Not only is she a very talented singer and pianist, but also she is really beautiful.
  • Aside form Traveling around Japan, we also went to Korea with Amy’s mom. That was of course after Amy joined me and my family for a few days in the onsens of Ibusuki.
  • In September, Amy and I went to a small onsen village called Kurokawa Onsen. There we spent 3 days just relaxing, enjoying the food and the atmosphere.
  • When the second semester of uni began, we got a whole new group of students from Turkey, France, Germany, etc. And we created the gaijin gang, together traveling around Kagoshima and now they went to Nagasaki (without me, cause I’ve already been there, twice).
  • And now finally we are up to christmas and New Years. Amy and I are just relaxing in Kagoshima, and I am cooking us some Olivier Salad and bread with caviar.

С Новым Годом! See you all next year!

And here are the words which were used most in my posts:
