2013 Retrospective

December 31st, 2013

2013 is almost over, just a few hours left in this year, and I can say it was an amazing year. So much has happened in my life, so many things have changed and I continue to expand my skills and to improve on what I already have. Lets go over the events that happened so far.

For my birthday on the 1st of February my parents got me a DSLR camera right before our trip to Melbourne to watch the Australian Open and Fiji. This sparked my interest in photography and I now I carry my camera to almost all important events.

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New logo, new design, new life!

December 24th, 2013


I have had my blog for a year and a half now, first post being on the 20th of May 2012. In this time I have managed to change web hosts and themes. Now I believe is the perfect time to improve the design I have been using ever since I moved from wordpress.com to private web hosting – Wild Flower. Today, on the 25th of December, I would like to present my new blog theme Ring-O.

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Everything is a Remix, even iOS

December 13th, 2013

In 2012 I wrote a blog post with a video titled “Embrace the Remix” and today I saw iDownloadBlog write about another video made by the same guy covering the iPhone and iOS. It is fascinating to watch these videos and to see how much technology has evolved over the years and how it is continuing to grow even further. I would recommend everyone to watch the whole series which you can find on Kirby Ferguson’s Vimeo

Confessions of a Blogger

December 9th, 2013


My friend Sebastian mentioned me in a tweet saying that I should also write up a post describing my blog life. After a week or so of contemplating, I decided why the hell not.

When did you first start blogging and why?

My first blog post dates back to May 20th 2012, however I did write up a few anime reviews on my Google+ account, which I later on transferred here so that people can read. Why? …. hmmmm I guess because In the first year of uni I meat Ruben and he showed me his awesome blog. Ruben is my sempai and I respect him a lot, in him I saw someone who I wanted to be when I was his age (IT wise), and so I started little by little – from making a blog to writing small apps as a hobby.

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