What languages sound like

December 8th, 2014

We know that learning languages is hard work, and whenever we hear people speak in a language that we have yet to master (or even start learning) we try to imitate them, which of course causes a lot of laughter and comments saying: “We don’t speak like that!”

Well here is a YouTube video of a Japanese guy doing an impression of that foreign language sound like to him. He is pretty spot on for most of them!

Hardest languages to learn

October 5th, 2013

International communication concept

You know there over 180 countries in the world and most of them have their unique language. Have you ever wondered which would would be the hardest to master? Well I know 5 languages: Latvian, Russian, English, German and currently Japanese. Out of those I would have to say Russian is the hardest to learn (its my mother language though). Recently I stumbled upon this article which tries to answer the question of which language is the hardest, and I was very surprised by their top pic. Here is the link so you can read about it yourself.

Learning languages is amazing.