LINE, the best messaging app

December 27th, 2012

Ever since the smartphone boom in Japan there was a constant search for the best messaging app. And then there came LINE.

It is not much different from all the other messaging apps, but it has this one killer feature that made it the best: stickers.

These “stickers” are emoji style images that users can send to each other in order to express their emotions.

Unlike normal emoji which get old pretty quickly, these stickers are constantly updated. Like for example the recent addition of the Miku or EVA or Gangnam style stickers.

I use this app a lot and recommend it to all my friends. Here is a promotional video:

PSY – Gangnam Style

August 3rd, 2012

This video has been all over the internets. Its a K-Pop song by the artist PSY called GANGNAM STYLE. One can say thats its almost as awesome as PON PON PON, on second thought no! Its not 😛 It resembles Party Rock Anthem more, with its own recognizable dance and stuff. Here is the vid, enjoy: