Farewell CityRail

July 1st, 2013


This afternoon (night in Sydney) my friends were complaining about another change in their daily life. This time it was the CityRail website. According to Wikipedia: “CityRail ceased trading on 30 June 2013 and was replaced by Sydney Trains and NSW TrainLink.” Which of course means that the website had to be redesigned as well with the new company logo and new colors. I personally don’t mid the new orange color scheme , they only changed the color itself but not the gradient. I wish they would get rid of that 3Dish look of the buttons and headers of the timetables and trip planer. But oh well I can’t really complain.

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May 30th, 2013

Armikrog the game

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXITED I AM!!!! This is like the sequel to one of my favorite childhood games: The Neverhood.

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Internet Explorer 10 commercial

May 7th, 2013

The 90s! For me and most of my friends that was when we were born and were just growing up. I remember those times when I used to play with toy cars and Yo-Yos and when my first tamagochi died 🙁 Trolls were these small creatures that everyone would have and omg the Pokemon Tazos!!!
Those were the good old days, and this commercial made me remember them. Up until the last few seconds I felt really touched by this ad. I thought to myself, wow who made such a nice advertisement, its definitely a company that has to do with technology, but who? And then at the last scene I realized….. its just Microsoft trying to tell us that they “fixed” internet explorer and that now it is, apparently, usable… HA! Nope, not falling for that.


April 16th, 2013


There has been a lot of new going around about the DPRK and a potential occurance of World War III lately. I don’t know much about North Korea aside from jokes on the internet about Kim Jong Un like this one: Read More


April 3rd, 2013

If you just want to see some cute girls doing cute things then r/awwnime is the place to go. Well this site combines all the images in to an awesome layout, so you can HNNNNNGGHHHH all night long!


The Internet…. Here and There

April 3rd, 2013

The Internet… Its such a magnificent thing! I can not imagine living without it. Everything I do during the day revolves around using the internet in one way or another. May it be Skyping with my parents back home, or checking into a restaurant on Foursquare, or simply checking my Twitter feed and replying to chat messages in Line. Its amazing how much we can do on the web these days, and it makes our lives just a bit more colorful. But you know what annoys me more then anything? SLOW CONNECTION SPEED AND LOW BANDWIDTH!

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This is Хорошо

March 17th, 2013

This is Хорошо это программа которая обозревает вирусние видео на YouTube. Я на TiX наткнулся когда выходил еще 20й выпуск (сейчас уже вышел 203й), и мне сразу понравилось то что кто-то в рунете занимается этим (в английском интернете этим занимается Ray William Johnson со своей программой =3). Ребята молодцы! Продолжайте в том-же духе, и пусть у вас будет все больше и больше подписчиков.

After Ever After

March 14th, 2013

MMD – Poker Face

February 22nd, 2013

LINE, the best messaging app

December 27th, 2012

Ever since the smartphone boom in Japan there was a constant search for the best messaging app. And then there came LINE.

It is not much different from all the other messaging apps, but it has this one killer feature that made it the best: stickers.

These “stickers” are emoji style images that users can send to each other in order to express their emotions.

Unlike normal emoji which get old pretty quickly, these stickers are constantly updated. Like for example the recent addition of the Miku or EVA or Gangnam style stickers.

I use this app a lot and recommend it to all my friends. Here is a promotional video: