Antique Car

Australia Day 2016

January 27th, 2016

Every year families all around the country gather together to celebrate Australia Day. Its the day that the whole nation celebrates the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, NSW. Australia has become a very multicultural society, but nevertheless everyone gathers together for festive barbecues and beach outings. All of this is usually followed by a display of fireworks in the CBD of the major cities.

Also, there is a antique car show! So Amy and I went to explore it. Old cars are so majestic, and the photos turned out great:


Родители и компьютер

January 23rd, 2016

Нашел вот такое уморительное видео про то как мама пытается сыну отправить файл по емейлу. Концовка вообще убойная, не ожидал прихода бабушки. Советую всем посмотреть.

Конечно у меня мама более продвинутая, она сама умеет книги на планшет скачивать, но когда-то и она вот так с компьютером общалась.


January 19th, 2016

For Shafts 40th anniversary they made a special promotion called Madogatari, where they crossed Madoka and Monogatari. Which spawned some truly amazing art and merch. I wish I was in Japan to experience it, but alas.

However I have found something of equal beauty! A cross between Toradora and Monogatari. My two favorite shows together in one; can you imagine?! And what makes it even better, its Kugimiya Rie (Taiga’s voice actor) singing.

The song is Renai Cerculation, with my Taiga. Prepare for cuteness overload.

The Goal

January 16th, 2016

I don’t really read many books, but when I do, they affect me in a big way. This book made me question the processes we follow and actions we take in our everyday lives, and evaluate their value in terms of achieving “The Goal”. It was published in 1984, but the concepts that it covers are still relevant to this day. Personally, I strive for perfection and getting the most value out of everything I do and that happens around me. Trying to minimise wasted time and effort, and achieving most results with minimal expenses (financial and other).

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