Tatami Galaxy review

August 3rd, 2012

Tatami Galaxy

Tatami Galaxy (四畳半神話大系) – an anime worthy of being called a classic! It is hard to describe the genre for this particular anime, but I’m guessing it would fall under the random / life / mystery. Even though it was only 11 episodes long, it is definitely a must watch for all anime lovers.

If you wish to continue reading, be warned that a lot of SPOILERS await!

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PSY – Gangnam Style

August 3rd, 2012

This video has been all over the internets. Its a K-Pop song by the artist PSY called GANGNAM STYLE. One can say thats its almost as awesome as PON PON PON, on second thought no! Its not 😛 It resembles Party Rock Anthem more, with its own recognizable dance and stuff. Here is the vid, enjoy: